The Skinny Food Co was founded in May 2018. James Whiting & Wayne Starkey (Directors) have previous experience working in the food and drink/health & wellbeing market and discovered a need for great tasting healthy products. Fuelled by diabetic family members that avoid so many favoured foods the brand was born into the launch of Zero Calorie Syrups, healthy virtually zero table sauces and following on shortly after.. healthy snacking options. Due to the huge success of the company launch and loyal customers The Skinny Food Co work hard on developing what our customers want and most importantly NEED. Our customers are at the forefront of our mind and our staff are passionate about helping people and delivering a top notch service. We're making it our mission to enable people to enjoy food as it should be enjoyed and to put 'avoided' 'unhealthy' options firmly back on the menu (for as many people as possible). We're pleased to be part of so many household cupboard necessities and are happy to be providing a service to people within areas such as; fitness, mothers, children, vegans, diabetics, food intolerances, fitness, bodybuilding, dieting, sugar substitutes. If you ever have any new product suggestions we actively listen and seek your support. Fire new ideas over to